

한국을 넘어 세계로의 도약
Global Top Class- JINHAP

GFA 로고


1998년 설립된 GFA는 Global Network를 구축하기 위한 세계적인 Fastener기업들의 협력체로서 마케팅, 생산, 기술제휴, 정보 공유 등을 통하여 글로벌 경쟁력 향상을 도모합니다. 전세계 5개국 8개 기업이 활동하고 있으며, 한국에서는 진합이 유일하게 가입되어 있습니다.
GFA Partners
GFA Mission Statement
  • Through the GFA, independent fastener companies participate in a marketing and technical alliance focused on supplying the right parts at the right price when and where needed worldwide.
  • The combined strength of this global network of innovative fastener manufacturers allows each member to conduct business with all the support and resources of a large multinational company, while maintaining the advantages of entrepreneurially managed smaller firms.
  • The GFA fastener supplier group will remain economically viable and competitive by supplying its customers globally, without the need for building or acquiring a costly and risky global infrastructure.